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Water valve

Coffee and espresso machine water valve parts

On this page is a overview of the components you need for your espresso and coffee machine water valves.  You can find a variety of espresso machine water valve parts like: gaskets, complete water valves, valve body’s, knobs and a lot more.

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Espresso machine parts water valve

Water valve

Brasilia steam tap screw

The item on this product page is a steam and water valve screw, used on various Brasilia espresso machines. The Brasilia part reference number for this item 00107.4.00.04  This articulating valve screw is used in combination with the spring washers and the conical PTFE gaskets to seal off the valve. This item has been made in Italy. You can use...

Steam and water valve conical connection

The steam and water valve on this product page can be used on San Remo espresso machines. The part reference for this item is 10402120B. This steam and water valve has a flat connection so it is suitable for a conical fitting. There is also a flared model available of this version. This valve has been made in Italy. You can find this steam and water...

Valve assembly for steam valve

The item on this product page is a valve gasket part which can be used on various espresso machine brands such as ECM Heidelberg, Grimac, Fiorenzato, Marzocco and Vibiemme. The ECM Heidelberg part reference is P6003.9, the Fiorenzato reference is A2200203, The Grimac reference is A2200203, the Marzocco reference is B.1.004/9 and finally the part...

Gaggia articulating side connector

This item on this page is a OEM/Original Gaggia spare part. This is used in various steam valves of Gaggia. The Gaggia part reference number for this item is RB0738. This is a fitting which makes the steam tube able to articulate. To seal off this fitting there need to be installed 2 o rings 2,62x15,08mm. These don’t come with the fitting. This...

Astoria Brava water knob

The item on this product page is a OEM/original Astoria spare part. This item is a water valve knob. The Astoria part reference numbers are15277998 and 15277998+10459.  This water valve handle is used on the Astoria Brava espresso machine.

Rocket water valve complete

The item on this page is a original Rocket water valve. This valve can be used on various models such as the Rocket R58, Rocket R-Cinquantotto. The Rocket part reference number for this water valve is A227704669 This water valve comes completely assembled including the knob. Note the insert of this knob isn’t part of this item. This water valve has...

O ring gasket 10.82x1.78mm

On this page you can find a o ring which is in use with a variety of brands in various configurations. You can find this o ring in water and steam taps, boiler components and in water level assemblies. This o ring is made from EPDM. The used cord diameter is 1,78mm and the internal diameter of the o ring is 10,82mm. This o ring can be used on steam and...

Vibiemme steam valve knob insert

The steam valve knob insert on this page can be used on a variety of Vibiemme espresso machines. The part reference of this item is MANPDIVAEVORE. The suitable knob can be found in the accessory tab below this item. You can use this steam valve knob insert on the following espresso machines. Vibiemme Evolution, Vibiemme Kometa, Vibiemme Minimax, Vibiemme...

Elektra spring guide

The item on this page is a OEM/Original Elektra spare part. This item is a spring guide. The Elektra part reference for this item is 00045014  This brass machined gasket has on one side a recess for the valve spring. On the other side is a seat of the conical PTFE gasket. This item has been made in Italy. This original Elektra spring guide can be...

Chrome nut lever side

The item on this product page is a chrome nut used for a steam and water valve used with various espresso machine brands. This nut can be found on brands such as ECM Heidelberg, Fiorenzato and Vibiemme. The ECM Heidelberg part reference number is P6003.1, for Fiorenzato it is A2200264 and for Vibiemme it is RACCDAFISSRLO. This chrome plated nut...

Faema water valve knob insert

The item on this product page is a water valve knob insert. This white water valve insert can be used on espresso machine brands such as Marzocco and Faema. The Marzocco part reference number is L165/MA.  This water valve insert is made from a white plastic. The item itself has been made in Italy. This valve insert can be used on the Marzocco...