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Faema Stylema

Faema Stylema espresso machine parts

On this category page you will find the Faema Stylema espresso machine. This espresso machine model was manufacturered in the mid 2000’s. this was a model of espresso machine in the mid range. Praticical but simple.

There where various versions of the Faema Stylema made

Faema Stylema S;

Faema Stylema A.


Faema Stylema S

The Faema Stylema S is the most simple version of the Stylema model series. This is the non volumetric version. So you can only start and stop the the brewing process manually. This model was made in a 2 and 3 group configuration. But with the additional options of Autosteam and the automatic milk frother.

Faema Stylema A

The Faema Stylema A is in a lot of components identical to the Faema Stylema S, but this model is volumetric. So you will be able to select pre-set volume settings on the touchpanels. This model has been made in a 2 and 3 group configuration. Also with the options of Autosteam and the automatic milk frother.

Faema Stylema

Faema E92 steam valve knob with ring

On this page you will find a steam and water valve handle knob for the Faem E92. The part reference for this item is 924828000. This steam and water valve handle is suitable for the left and right steam and water valve. The knob bodies of these items are not identical.

Microswitch Rold VRSRB1DA1

This microswitch can be used with a huge variety of coffee grinders. This ranges from Casadio, San Marco, La Cimbali, Vibiemme, Cunhill, Eureka, La Spaziale, Brasilia and so on. For the complete list check the extra info tab for brands, models and product codes The specific microswitch is mainly used as a doser microswitch in the coffee doser. This...

portafilter gasket 74x57.5x8mm

The portafilter gasket shown on this page is used with various espresso machines of the Cimbali group and with Vibiemme espresso machines. the part reference numbers can be found in the extra info tab. This portafilter gasket has been made from NBR. The outer diameter is 74mm the inner diameter is 57,5mm and the thickness is 8mm. This gasket has 4...

Portafilter gasket 73x57x9mm red silicone

The portafilter gasket shown on this product page is one of the most common sizes found on commercial espresso machines. But this gasket hasn’t been made from NBR as traditionally done, but from food grade silicone. You can find this portafilter gasket on brands such as Faema, Vibiemme, Bezzera and La Scala. This red silicone gasket has a outer diameter...

O ring gasket EPDM 10.77x2.62mm

The o ring on this page can be used in various applications in espresso machines. This ranges from water and steam valves, water inlet taps and water levels. The part on this page is a O ring made from the material EPDM. This o ring has a cord diameter of 2,7mm and a inner diameter of 12,1mm. This o ring is produced in Italy. You will find this o ring...

La Cimbali copper gasket for gigleur 14x10x1mm

On this page you will find a copper gasket suitable for a variety of La Cimbali brewing groups. This gasket is mainly used to seal off the gigleur/nozzle underneath the brewing group. The La Cimbali part number for this gasket is 401234000. This gasket is a flat copper gasket. The gasket has a outer diameter of 14mm a inner diameter of 10mm and a...

Tap joint gasket 14.5x7.5x6 mm

On this page you will find a PTFE gasket which is the coupling between the steam and water valve ball and the compression spring inside the valve assembly. This item has the Casadio part number 485078010, the La Cimbali part number 485-078-010 and the Faema part number 485078010. This PTFE gasket, it is not white as you would expect with PTFE, has a...

Faema/Casadio PTFE gasket 27x20x1mm

On this product page you will find a flat PTFE gasket which can be used in various applications on Faema and Casadio espresso machines. This flat PTFE gasket can be used in brewing group applications and water and steam valves. The Casadio part reference for this item is 4701116694, the Faema part reference is identical to this number. This ptfe gasket...

Faema rubber pump-motor connector 40 mm

To connect a flange pump and flange motor to each other you need to have 2 coupling plates and a rubber middle coupler which connects the coupling plates to eachother. This rubber motor pump coupling is universal and can be used with the metal coupling plates with a rounded off shaft and with the slitted pump coupling connection. These type of couplings...

Electronic board cpu Faema / Cimbali

On this product page you will find a CPU/electronic board which can be used on a variety of espresso machine models by La Cimbali and Faema. This electronic board has been made in the EU. The dimensions are 125x120mm. This unit can be used on the Cimbali M24, Cimbali M24 Select, Cimbali M22, Cimbali M24, Cimbali M27-2008, Cimbali M29 and the La Cimbali...