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نوع جزء مطحنة القهوة


Mazzer قطع طاحونة

هذه الصفحة لمحة عامة عن النموذج Mazzer طواحين القهوة. الشركة الإيطالية Mazzer بدأت في إنتاج طواحين القهوة في عام 1948. طواحين القهوة المصنوعة من Mazzer تباع في جميع أنحاء العالم.

على مر السنين Mazzer صنع العديد من طواحين القهوة الشهيرة. هذه طواحين القهوة مصنوعة في إصدارات مختلفة ومع أنواع مختلفة من طحن burrs. أمثلة Mazzer doser طواحين القهوة هي Mazzer Robur S،, Mazzer كوني S و Mazzer Mini الجرعة.

ولكن أيضاً on demand نسخ مثل Mazzer (س) بارد, Mazzer Robur S،, Mazzer كوني S و Mazzer Mini أ/Mazzer Mini ب. إلى جانب البار التقليدي هناك أيضا طاحونة البقالة، وهذا هو Mazzer Major.

Mazzer أجزاء طاحونة القهوة والكأسبرسو

مكثف دوكاتي انيرجيا 20 درجة فهرنهايت

The capacitor on this page is a 20µF model. This model is manufactured by the Italian company Ducati Energia. The part reference for this item is 41610.2564. This capacitor can be found on a variety of coffee grinders such as Vibiemme, Mazzer, Fiorenzato C.s. and Macap. This capacitor produces 20µF at 450V 50-60Hz. The max and minimum temperature ranges...
18.65 €

Mazzer أزرار الضغط وغطاء جهاز الجرعة

This diaphragm is used in a variety of Mazzer coffee grinders. This diaphragm does only include the metal ring, and the diaphragm, so not the push button board with display(S000SPU03). But this item can be found on a variety of coffee grinders made by Mazzer, solely the electronic ones not the doser grinders. You will find it on the Mazzer Super Jolly...
313.92 €

Mazzer شفرات طحن يدوية صغيرة ذات مرحلة واحدة 58mm الأصلية

On this product page you will find a set of burrs suitable for the Mazzer Mini doser. This set of burrs is a OEM/original burr set. The outer diameter of the burrs is 58mm, the internal diameter is 33,5mm and the thickness of the burrs is 8,5mm. The burrs have on each side 3 mounting holes. These burrs are flat and are right turning. Manufactured in...
67.63 €

مبتدئ relay 4CR-1-670 28Z9R

The item on this page is a start relay which is used on various Mazzer coffee grinders. This item is a OEM/Original Mazzer spare part. The part references for this item are S000DIS01, S000DIS02, S000DIS14 and S000DIS14/QQQ. This start relay is the 4CR-1-670 28Z9R. and is used on doser and electronic coffee grinders of Mazzer such as the Mazzer Kony...
216.52 €

Mazzer Super Jolly شفرات طحن من مرحلة واحدة 64mm جزء أصلي

The Mazzer Super Jolly uses flat grinding burrs, instead of the conical grinding burrs some Mazzer models use. The grinding burrs shown on this page are used in the Mazzer Super Jolly Doser and the Mazzer Super Jolly. The original flat grinding burrs, which are left turning, have a external diameter of 64mm and a internal diameter of 37mm. the thickness...
64.57 €

Mazzer Mini غطاء الحامل

It is quite common that you lose or break your hopper lid of your coffee grinder. On this page you can find the hopper lid for the Mazzer mini. This lid is suitable for the models Mazzer mini electronic A, Mazzer mini electronic B and the Mazzer mini doser. The Mazzer mini hopper lid is made from plastic and has a diameter of 160mm. it is a original part...
24.49 €

Mazzer ربيع التفريغ الصغير السفلي

The spring on this product is a OEM/Original Mazzer spare part.  The Mazzer part reference for this item is S000MOB06. This compression spring is the lower micro release spring. This spring has a outer diameter of 13mm a inner diameter of 10,53 and a length of 15mm. This spring has been made in Italy. This spring is used in the doser versions of...
2.99 €

Mazzer Robur شفرات طحن مخروط 71mm الأصلية

On this product page you will find a set of OEM/original conical grinding burrs for various Mazzer coffee grinder models. These grinding burrs are suitable for the models Mazzer Kold and Mazzer Robur. This is as well for the doser models as well for the electronic models This set has 2 types of grinding burrs. A inner and outer grinding burr. The outer...
242.96 €

Mazzer حلقة ضبط

On this page you will find the Mazzer burr adjustment ring. When you want a finer or coarser setting on your Mazzer burrs, you just need to turn this brass and threaded adjustment ring inward or outward. You can do this with the adjustment ring pin, with a m5 thread, which stick into the side of the burr adjustment ring(S00SPEA00) on various locations of...
160.86 €