필터링 기준

라 산 마르코 85 일렉트릭 S

La San Marco 85 전기 S 에스프레소 기계 부품

3상 안전 온도 조절기 169-18°

3단계 안전 온도 조절기 169-18°. 적합: 암호 생산자 20300015 아스토리아 CMA 56302101 아스토리아 CMA 7434001 베제라 95.01594 카리말리 531-193-100 침발리 02790035 엘렉트라 3231133006 페이마 3231135058 페이마 531193100 페이마 A1400032 피오렌자토 Cs 0746906 Futurmat-Ariete 07476906 Futurmat-Ariete 10065832 라바짜 10067254 라바짜 34200095 Rancilio 108463 산 마르코 10111015 산레모 01477 스파지알레 WY20300015 웨가

La San Marco 85 - 95 level regulator 230V RL30/1E/2C/F

The level regulator on this page has been made by the company Gicar, the Gicar part reference for this item is You can use this level regulator on the La San Marco 95 and la San Marco 95 espresso machines. This level regulator has the product name of RL 30/1E/2C/F. this item is a 230/240Vac model. This level regulator makes sure that your...

Switch protective cover

The item on this page is a protective cover for bipolar rocker switches. This switch cover is used on a variety of espresso machines and coffee grinders. You can find this items on brands such as San Marco, Vibiemme, Astoria, Wega, Elektra, Fiorenzato and Rancilio. This switch cover has the outer dimensions of 29mm with 36mm. This cover can be used on...