필터링 기준
유형 부분

Faema E91,E92,Enova

Faema E91, E92의 Enova 증기/물 벨브 부속

Faema 부품 - E91,E92,Enova 스팀/워터 밸브

Faema E92 steam pipe

On this product page you can find a stainless steel steam tube which can be used on the Faema E92 espresso machine. The steam tube has on the side where it attaches to the steam valve a male thread of ½”BSP-G. On the side of the steam tip is a thread of 1/8”BSP-G. The steam tip has 4 holes. The tube has a diameter of 10mm. To prevent...

Faema E61 벨브 틈막이 13x4x4mm

이 페이지에 벨브 틈막이는 Vibiemme, Wega, La Scala, Faema, La Pavoni, Brasilia 및 Grimac와 같은 에스프레소 기계 상표의 수많은에 사용될 수 있습니다. 증기 및 물 밸브뿐만 아니라 물 입구 밸브에 주로 사용되는이 가스켓. 그러나 가장 좋은 예는 양조장 그룹의 E61(type)에 있습니다. 부품 참조 목록은 추가 정보 탭에서 찾을 수 있습니다.이 틈막이는 NBR에게서 했습니다. 외부 직경은 13mm 안 직경 4mm이고 간격 4mm인 경우에입니다. 이 틈막이는 체코에서 했습니다.Faema E61, Faema E61 Legend, Grimac G11, Grimac Zola, Vibemme...

Faema Emblema 스팀 밸브 노브

This steam valve handle is used on the Faema Emblema espresso machine. The Faema part reference for this small handle is 927102000. This knob does require a small metal spring to retain the handle in its place. This small spring does not come with the handle.

밸브 로드 스프링

The compression spring on this page can be found in various applications with various brands with Faema and La Cimbali espresso machines. With La Cimbali you can find them in some type of brewing groups. For Faema as well, but mainly as the pressure spring of the water tube. The Cimbali part reference for this compression spring is 4731-030-495/...

Faema 스팀 워터 밸브 니플

The item on this product page is a steam valve fitting. This fitting is used on various Faema steam and water valves. The Faema part reference for this item is 4121132322.  This fitting is from machined brass.  The threads used are both male threads. The one is a ¼” BSP-G, this is a flared connection. The other side is a...