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Cleaning your espresso machine daily is a must for every coffee lover.  It doesn’t matter if you are doing it commercially of as a home barista

If you are making coffee as a barista in a specialty coffee shop, at your own specialty coffee roasting company, in the bar of your hotel, restaurant or even in a sporting venue. Cleaning your machine on a daily makes sure that you prevent sudden breakdown of components, which can be related to poor cleaning.

Preventative maintenance by just cleaning your espresso machine daily with proper cleaning products is a lot cheaper than loss in revenue and letting a espresso machine tech coming over outside working hours.

Espresso 및 커피 기계 청소 제품

Pällo shower cleaning brush black

The item on the accessory page is the Pällo coffee tool. This is a multi functional espresso machine tool, so you will find various features on this brush. On the back of the cleaning tool you will find a detergent scoop, which can be used for backflushing. The cleaning brush itself can be replaced when it is worn out. The back of this brush has a...

Brooks microfiber cloth light grey

On this page you will find our own Brooks microfiber cleaning cloths. These cloths are ideal for cleaning your espresso machine, coffee grinder or just the work surface around your espresso machine. This is not the standard household dust cleaning cloth your standard find. This type of microfiber is a lot softer used to clean finer surfaces like car...

Puly Caff plus tablets 1,35 gram

Every super automatic espresso machine needs cleaning on regular intervals. This can be done with various products made by the Italian company Puly Caff. This specific product is the Puly Caff plus and are cleaning tables for super automatic espresso machines. So on espresso machines where you just push a button to make coffee. So this product is not...

But the big question. As a Barista how do I clean my espresso machine?

Brewing group

For cleaning your espresso machine brewing group you can use Puly Caff cleaning tablets, or powder. You need to put powder in a blind filter and backflush your solenoid group.

Do this at fixed intervals.  For cleaning your portafilter gasket and ring you can also use a shower cleaner brush.

This cleaning solution by Puly Caff is also suitable to soak your baskets and portafilters.

Steam wand

Cleaning your steam wand, Turbosteam and cappuccino maker is something you need to do at the end of the day. Close your steam wand, soak it in Puly Milk Plus. And you will be able to whipe off the old milk residues. This also works for almond milk.

You can also use this solution to soak your milk jugs.


As a barista in your own specialty coffee bar you do want that also your drip tray, brewing groups and countertop are covered with coffee stains and milk residue. Then you can use Puly Bar Igienic.

With this solution you will be able to clean everything in your kitchen and bar. It dries on it’s own, doesn’t leave streaks  and doesn’t smell.