Od okamžiku přijetí objednávky máte 14 dní na rozmyšlenou. U dílčích dodávek začíná lhůta na rozmyšlenou běžet po obdržení poslední části.

Chcete-li využít práva na vrácení , musíte nás informovat jednoznačným prohlášením, že od smlouvy odstupujete (písemně, poštou nebo e-mailem). Můžete použít formulář pro odstoupení od smlouvy, ale není to povinné. Žádáme vás, abyste použili možnost vrácení zboží na našich webových stránkách. Najdete ji v s vaším účtem.
Své zboží můžete zaregistrovat k vrácení do 14 dnů od doručení. Po registraci máte 14 dní na vrácení výrobku. Zpětná přeprava je na vaše vlastní náklady. Zákazník odpovídá za výrobky od okamžiku jejich převzetí až do okamžiku vrácení, kdy od nás výrobky obdrží. Pokud není výrobek zaregistrován k vrácení, nebude tento výrobek zpracován.

Výrobky mohou být, jak je uvedeno ve všeobecných obchodních podmínkách, rozbaleny a posouzeny, což je možné i v prodejně. To znamená, že zboží nesmí být instalováno a používáno ve strojích. Výrobky jsou dodávány zapečetěné. Po jejich
odstranění z plombování již nelze výrobek vrátit.

Consumer returns.

Yes we do accept returns from consumers from within the EU. All items can be returned, they are all in sealed packaging. Once this seal has been broken the item will be checked on wear and tear and it is possible that there is given a partial refund.

On all electronic devices, pumps, certified and calibrated parts apply the rule that they can be returned. But the sealed packing can’t be opened. These items are factory tested and we can’t guarantee their functionality after returning them. So there is a 100% loss on this item and a refund isn’t given.

In the case of consumables; like cleaning products, liquids, tubing, gaskets and grinding burrs. When the seal of the packaging has been broken these items are un sellable and have reduce of value of 100%

For business customers

For business customers we do not accept returns on items.

The returns are processed within 14 days after receiving the items.

The reason that a item is defective is not part of the return policy. If the item is defective we need to replace the item with a item which works. 

Items which have been ordered on request or have been cut to your specifications can not be returned.

The rule is that you can inspect and test a item as you can in a physical store. In the case of spare parts this means that you can visually check, measure them and check if the parts have the same requirements the part you are replacing.

All our products are supplied sealed in a clear plastic bag. In the case of parts such as solenoid valves, level regulators, dosing devices, electronic components, heating elements, valves and calibrated parts we don’t accept returns. These parts come with the validation that they are fully functional, when they are taken out of the packaging this can’t be guaranteed anymore.

Return conditions:

·         Make sure that the product is unused, in the original box, properly packaged and shipped within 14 days;

·         Items which aren’t returnable, such as cleaning products and items which have been taken out of their sealed packaging described above;

·         When there is no return request, but the item(s) have been send anyways we don’t accept returns

When a business buys spare parts from us, so that you indicate that you are a business, don’t have right of withdrawal nor the legal reflection period. They have no legal option to return their purchase within 14 days without giving reasons and receive a full refund including delivery costs.

Within 14 days after registering the items you want to return.

From the receipt by the customer to the return of the product (s), the purchasing party is responsible.

Products that are returned without registering will not be processed

No, you can visually inspect and measure the items. But when the items have actually been installed and / or used, the items can no longer be returned. If you still do this, it will be assessed what the residual value of the product is. This can result in a partial or no refund