Anfim Haus self coffee grinder
The item on this product page is a small microswitch with can be used on various espresso machines and coffee grinders. Such as on espresso machines made by Isomac and Quick Mill and coffee grinders made by Anfim. The Anfim part references are 260 or 500260 and for Isomac the reference is IS000770
This microswitch is made by the Italian company Rold....
Ducati Energia capacitor 6,3µF 450V
The capacitor on this page is a 6,3µF model. This model is manufactured by the Italian company Ducati Energia. The part reference for this item is 41610.1064. This capacitor can be found on a variety of coffee grinders and pump motors of the brands such as Carimali, Bezzera, Cimbali , Pavoni, Mazzer, Macap and Compak
This capacitor produces 6,3µF at 450V...
Anfim doser lever return spring
The item on this product page is a doser lever return spring. This spring can be used in a variety of Anfim coffee grinders. The Anfim part references for this item are 35, 4785 and 500035
This spring make sure that the lever is autmatically returned. This spring has been made in Italy.
This doser spring can be used on a wide selection...
Anfim Best/Haus coffee hopper lid original
The lid on this page is used on various Anfim coffee grinders. This specific part has the part reference number 216 and is a OEM/original Anfim spare part.
You can use this hopper lid on the Anfim Best, Haus and the Haus self. It is used in combination with part number 217.
Anfim doser cylinder
The doser cylinder on this product page is a OEM/Original Anfim spare part. The part references for this item are 500202 and 202.
With this cylinder you can replace your old discoloured one. This doser cylinder has been made in Italy.
You can use this doser cylinder on the Anfim Best and on the Anfim Haus.
Anfim Haus-self/Best hopper lid original 125mm
This plastic lid is used on various Anfim coffee grinder hoppers, such as the Best and the Haus Self coffee grinders. This item is a OEM/original Anfim spare part and has the part reference number 133 and 216
Anfim Best Haus coffee hopper
The hopper on this product page is a OEM/Original Anfim spare part. The Anfim part references for this item are 134, 217 and 217-C.
This bean hopper comes as a complete set, including the lid and hardware to attach it. This item has been made in Italy.
You can use this hopper on the Anfim Haus, Anfim Best and the Anfim Hause Self.
Anfim locking pin spring 5.5x24mm
The item on this product page is a locking pin spring for various Anfim coffee grinders. This item is a OEM/Original Anfim spare part and has the part references of 224 and 500224
This compression locking spring has a outer diameter of 5,5mm. The length of this spring is 24mm. This item has been made in Italy.
You can use this locking spring...
Anfim Haus burrs 50mm
On this product page you will find a grinding burr suitable for the coffee grinder brand Anfim. This specific model is suitable for the Anfim Haus. The part references for this item are 50 and 50-A.
This flat burrs have a outer diameter of 50mm a internal diameter of 30mm and a thickness of 7,6mm. These flat burrs are left turning. They have been designed...