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San Remo Verona

San Remo Verona espresso machine parts

This parts category page is dedicated to the San Remo Verona. This espresso machine has been build in various model versions and amount of brewing groups. There are in total 3 type versions

San Remo Verona SED;

San Remo Verona TCS;

San Remo Verona RS


San Remo Verona SED

The San Remo Verona SED is the basic version of the San Remo Verona. This model has only 1 boiler, instead of the other multi boiler systems. This machine uses the E61 style of brewing groups. It is possible to get a 2 or a 3 group version of this machine. The 2 group version of this espresso machine can run on 120V, the other ones run on 230V.

San Remo Verona TCS

This model of the San Remo is one of the two dual boiler models of the San Remo Verona. This espresso machine has a standard boiler for the steam and water production. Each brewing group a individual boiler, which gives a better temperature stability then with the HX system used in the Verona SED.

San Remo Verona RS

The San Remo Verona RS is a dual boiler system, which is also available with the San Remo Verona TCS. But the difference is that the RS version has a refined temperature controle and pressure controlled pre-infusion.

San Remo Verona espresso machine parts

level probe 1/4" bsp-g 120mm

the item on this product page is a boiler level probe. A level probe is used to measure the amount of water inside the boiler. This specific model of level probe can be used on various espresso machine brands such as San Remo, ECM Heidelberg, Quality espresso and Conti. The San Remo part reference number for this item is 10112064  This level probe...

Level probe 1/4 125mm

The level probe on this page can be used on a variety of espresso machines. You can use this level probes on brands such as La Scala, Grimac, Faema, Astoria, La Pavoni, Wega and Rancilio. This level probe has been made from stainless steel. The insulator is made from PTFE. The fitting is a male ¼” BSP-G thread. The overall length of this...

Anti vacuum valve 1/4" stainless steel

The anti-vacuum valve on this page can be used on various espresso machine models of the brand San Remo. The anti vacuum valve has the San Remo part reference of 10652040A  This anti vacuum valve has been made from stainless steel. The thread used is a male ¼” BSP-G thread. This stainless steel anti vacuum valve has been made in Italy...