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Faema Stylema

Faema Stylema espresso machine parts

On this category page you will find the Faema Stylema espresso machine. This espresso machine model was manufacturered in the mid 2000’s. this was a model of espresso machine in the mid range. Praticical but simple.

There where various versions of the Faema Stylema made

Faema Stylema S;

Faema Stylema A.


Faema Stylema S

The Faema Stylema S is the most simple version of the Stylema model series. This is the non volumetric version. So you can only start and stop the the brewing process manually. This model was made in a 2 and 3 group configuration. But with the additional options of Autosteam and the automatic milk frother.

Faema Stylema A

The Faema Stylema A is in a lot of components identical to the Faema Stylema S, but this model is volumetric. So you will be able to select pre-set volume settings on the touchpanels. This model has been made in a 2 and 3 group configuration. Also with the options of Autosteam and the automatic milk frother.

Faema Stylema

Filterholder suplement gasket 73x59x0.8mm

The paper shim on this page is one of the most widely used paper shim. You can use this type with a wide selection of espresso machine brewing groups. What are the dimensions of this paper shim? They have a outer diameter of 73mm, a inner diameter of 59mm and a thickness of 0,8mm. What does a paper shim do? Brewing group locking mechanisms wear due to...

PTFE gasket 15x7.5x10.3mm

On this page you see a steam and water valve bushing/gasket for various Faema espresso machine models the Faema part reference for this item is 4161132346. On one side of this PTFE seal is a conical shape, this is for the ball of the steam tube or water tube. The other side of this gasket is flat for the brass washer. There is a indendation to hold a o...

Flat epdm gasket 20,5x15x2mm

the item on this page is a flat gasket which is used in water outlets of brands such as Casadio, Cimbali and Faema. The part refence numbers for this part can be found in the extra info tab. This gasket has been made from EPDM. The outer diameter is 20,5mm the inner diameter is 15mm and the thickness is 2mm. this gasket has been made in Italy. This...

AFM 34 heating element gasket 57x43x3mm

The heating element gasket on this page can be used on a variety of heating elements. This gasket has a outer diameter of 57mm a inner diameter of 43mm and a thickness of 3mm. The fibre material used is AFM 34 made by the German company Victor Reinz. This gasket material is food safe and can handle the pressure and temperatures which occur in every...