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Bezzera Galatea Domus

Our selection of Bezzera Galatea Domus spare parts

On this category page you will find various spare part for the domestic espresso machine, the Bezzera Galatea Domus. This espresso machine is a single group domestic espresso machine. The brewing group used on this espresso machine is a E61 style of brewing group, not all the E61 style of brewing groups have the same components. This espresso machine has been fitted with a steam and water wand.

The Bezzera Galatea domus is available for the 230V market, but also for the 110V market. For the 230V market there is installed a 1350W heating element, for the 110V market this is also the case.

This espresso machine has 2 options for getting it’s fresh water. Option one is when a water tank is installed on the back. The other option is from the main water supply. The Bezzera Galatea Domus with the tank can hold 4 litre of water in that tank. Both models use the same boiler, this can hold approx. 2 litre of water.

The Bezzera Galatea Domus is available with a vibration pump (S model) and with a volumetric version (R model)

Bezzera Galatea Domus spare parts

E61 style groups shower without welding 60mm

The function of a shower screen is to spread the water coming out off the group on a equal way over the coffee. One of the standardized sizes and most common, is the 60mm shower screen. This shower is a pressed model made by IMS IMSDR300. The outer diameter is 60mm, the internal height is 17mm and the diameter of the punctured holes is 2,5mm Note: this is...