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La Pavoni - Brewing group

The La Pavoni espresso machine brand uses a variety of brewing groups. There are 2 types of manual group, e61 style and a 2 solenoid valve operated groups.

The La Pavoni lever brewing groups is based on the principle of the Faema E61 brewing groups, but most of the parts are not interchangeable. So this brewing group is manually operated and not with a solenoid valve. The portafilter gasket used on this model of group has a outer diameter of 73mm and a inner diameter of 57mm. this type of brewing group is used on commercial and domestic espresso machines such as Pavoni Bar, Pavoni Bart, Pavoni Botticelli, Pavoni Cellini, Pavoni Giotto, Pavoni hotel and the La Pavoni Pub. Pavoni Vasari.

The La Pavoni solenoid valve operated groups, work with the principle of a solenoid valve. This valve is always open, once the brewing process begins, the valve closes and coffee can be made. Once the process stops, the exhaust valve opens and the remaining water can leave. The gasket types used on these groups is 73x57mm and they hold a shower 56,5-57,5mm. These groups are used on the Pavoni Bar, Pavoni Bart, Pavoni Café and the Pavoni Pub.

La Pavoni espresso machine parts - brewing group

PTFE gasket 35x30x2mm

The gasket on this page is a Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) gasket with the dimensions 35x30x2mm. This specific gasket is used on 3 specific places on the E61 style brewing group (the Faema E61 and Faema E61 legend group use a different size of ptfe gasket). It is used to seal off the top trumpet or drain sleeve, on the side of the group the camme holder...

Portafilter gasket 72,7x57x8mm orange silicone

The portafilter gasket shown on this page can be used on a variety of espresso machines which use for instance a E61 style of brewing group. But this gasket hasn’t been made from the traditional NBR, but from orange food grade silicone.  You can use this portafilter gasket on various brands such as San Remo, La Scala, Vibiemme, Bezzera, Faema...

Stainless steel filter 8.6x22.5mm

The item on this product page is a stainless steel water filter, this filter is used with various espresso machine brands in the top of the brewing group. You can find this filter with brands such as ECM Heidelberg, San Remo, Vibiemme, La Scala, Bezzera, Grimac, Astoria, La Pavoni and wega. This stainless steel water filter has a outer diameter of 8,5mm...

Faema E61 group upper plug

On the top of a Faema E61 brewing group or a E61 brewing group is always the final item. That’s a chrome plated 3/8” male plug. Nothing else nor something special. This is generic part which can also be used in a variety of situations then a E61 brewing group, but also on different locations on a espresso machine. Like on the boiler with a...

E61 style group drain valve disk

The drain valve disc on this product page is only used in a few E61 style of brewing groups. You can find them with espresso machine brands such asLa Scala, Bezzera, ECM Heidelberg, La Pavoni, Rocket, Grimac and Isomac. This brass disc can be found at the bottom of the drain of various e61 groups. The brass disc has a outer diameter of 15mm and 8mm. the...

E61 shower screen old style 60mm

This article is one of the earliest designs of the 60mm shower screen. This shower screen is made by IMS CFDR070.  The border diameter is 60mm, it has a internal height of 15,7mm. The internal holes, 112 in total, have a diameter of 2mm Note: this is not a specialty coffee shower, but IMS also produces normal showers. This is, unlike other 60mm models, a...

Vibiemme infusion valve 62mm

This brewing valve is a complete valve assembly suitable for the Vibiemme E61 style lever brewing group.This complete valve exists out of 5 components. The triangular rod, a gasket holder, the gasket, a small brass washer and the square valve pin. All espresso machine parts make the total length of the valve assembly 62mm.The Vibiemme part number for this...

Filterholder gasket 73x57x8mm

On this page you will find a portafilter gasket suitable for a variety of brands such as Faema, San Remo, Cimbali, Vibiemme, La Scala, Bezzera, Pavoni and Isomac. This portafilter gasket has been made from NBR. The outer diameter is 73mm the inner diameter is 57mm and the thickness of this gasket is 8mm. This gasket has been made in Italy. You can use...

Drain valve sleeve

The E61 drain valve sleeve on this page can be used with a variety of E61 style brewing groups. You can use this drain sleeve on Brasilia, Faema, Grimac, Bezzera, Wega, La Scala and Royal brewing groups. This drain sleeve has been made from machined brass. To reach the shiny chrome surface, the brass has been polished first, then nickel plated and at the...

E61 style groups shower without welding 60mm

The function of a shower screen is to spread the water coming out off the group on a equal way over the coffee. One of the standardized sizes and most common, is the 60mm shower screen. This shower is a pressed model made by IMS IMSDR300. The outer diameter is 60mm, the internal height is 17mm and the diameter of the punctured holes is 2,5mm Note: this is...

E61 style cam holder

The cam holder on this product page can be used on a variety of E61 brewing groups. Like with ECM Heidelberg, La Scala, Bezzera, Grimac, La Pavoni Wega and Brasilia. The cam holder on this page has been made from machined brass. Which have been nickel and chrome plated. For easier installation the edges have been rounded off. The item has a overall...

PTFE gasket 3/8" 22x16.5x2mm

The item on this product page is a PTFE gasket. This gasket is used on a variety of brands with applications such as steam and water valves, sight glasses and brewing groups. you can use this PTFE gasket on brands such as ECM Heidelberg, San Remo, Vibiemme, La Scala, Rancilio and Grimac. The part reference numbers can be found in the extra info tab. This...